Thursday, May 31, 2007

Quite a week!

We have had quite a week here in the Kihlström household. I got the stomach flu, Ella got an ear infection, Nelson had major knee surgery, and Henrik is worn out. We had such a wonderful party on Saturday, and then bang! Well, we are all feeling better now, except for Nelson. He has a new cage and he hates it. The doctor said that he is not supposed to move for 5 to 6 weeks! This is difficult for him when the cage tramatizes him. He cries all night!

Only 11 more days until Chicago. The last couple of weeks can be torture, especially when I have lots of essays to write! Well, Ella's ear has to get better before we take off. Please pray that I am able to finish up my work, Henrik can get some rest, for Ella's ear, and if you don't mind praying for a dog, Nelson could sure use some help. Here are some funny pictures of Uncle Magnus having fun with Ella in the new cage.

We thought Ella had the stomach flu too, so we had fun drinking Powerade together, our green and blue medicine.

Watching Pippi Longstocking all day long..

Poor, Poor Nelson
Here are some pictures from Ella's party on Saturday, to close on a more cheerful note.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So darling! I'm glad to see you guys so happy with your little girl. You'll have to talk Krist and Laura into creating a blog. It's great seeing beautiful pics of Sweden.
Meegan Dugan Bassett